Placed online order with discount. Charged my card once for the correct amount, then charged my card again for the discounted total. I called the next day to dispute the charge & they claimed it was a technical issue. they said my card be refunded in 3-5 business days. I called back a second time after still no refund a week later & they claimed it had to be approved & was sitting on someone's desk. They said it was approved & again would be 3-5 business days. 2 weeks later still no refund. 3rd phone call & they claim it was processed on their end but now could take 1-2 billing cycles on my end to show up. Ridiculous by anyone's standards. i ended up calling my credit card company to dispute the charge. This companies customer service is a joke & from the sound of it the double charging was more than a technical issue. Talking with the last person & her supervisor it sounded like screwing the customer over with double billing was standard practice. They probably count on people not willing to go through all this to get their money back that they fraudulently charged you. Save yourself the headache & just dispute the charge with your credit card company. You can't even get to their customer service without going through a bunch of ridiculous prompts which is how they planned it.