| - MANAGEMENT IS EXTREMELY RUDE AND NOT KEEPERS OF THEIR WORD! BEFORE I bought my vehicle, they promised they would fix a few things if I decided to purchase the car through them. I took them at their word, boy was I stupid! They claimed to fix things but never did, but in the end, my vehicle developed more problems. I tried to sit down with management and explain what's going on, the guy was a total ass wipe! He was defensive like I was accusing him personally, and insulted the hell outta me. Demanded I leave his office, I refused. I said CALMLY what I needed to say. He told me I'm making problems up, I don't know what I'm talking about and the car is just fine. I told him if he truly believed that, come drive my car and see. HE REFUSED! That was a clear indication that he knew there was a problem and didn't want to take responsibility. $14,000 I'll be making in payments to liars, cheaters, and unprofessional fools. Just remember, what goes around comes around.