Quackery run amok. I took my 76 yr old mother in. I was sure she fractured a vertebrae. A nurse assistant came in and took all her information. Then doctors assistant came and interviewed her for a solid 1/2 hour. So we've been there over an hour in acute pain and still no doctor. Finally a doctor comes and repeats the entire question list. Tells her she has stiff joints that wear out as you get older but ordered an mri because I insisted. We went back to her own regular doctor the next day and ,yes, she broke her back as I suspevted. A week later the pain place called to see if she got the mri. They wanted to set up another paid appointment to give her the results. Run, do not walk, away from this place. Totally incompetent from start to finish. And they wanted her to give a credit card for billing even though they couldn't say what exactly they would bill for. I'm surprised the medical board hasn't shut them down.