Refused to accept gift cards & proof of purchase - Buyer Beware Scam
Rotten Mother's Day experience to say the least. Long time customers, we purchased $300 in gift cards Dec 2017. The last 3 times we try to use them we had issues, ending today in refusal to accept. We offered to show proof of purchase (credit card statement from Costco Citi VISA) to which we were told the owner did not care and refused. Asked to speak to owner and were told the owner's not present. We asked to call the owner to which the answer remained a refusal.
Wake up Summit Diner owner, you cannot steal from your customers & make your staff do you dirty work. Despicable business practice to your most loyal customers.
We've always enjoyed your food, service and selection but your choice in this matter is baffling. The lifetime value of a customer alone should have been enough for you to do the right thing. The proof should have cleared up any questions. Our children were there to witness the entire event on Mothers Day. Not so classy. We hope you will come to your senses and do the right thing.