This is the only Steak 'N Shake I've ever been to, so I don't really know how to compare it to others. I have never observed any heinous uncleanlinesses, despite the fact that the decor is primarily white and is lit by the most migraine-inducing possible flourescent lights.
So, it gets 2 stars instead of 1 for being well kempt and having a waitstaff that is WAY more patient with late night hysterical student milkshake procurement than I could ever have imagined possible, but loses that third star because said milkshakes, once procured, taste like they have had 10 pumps of sugar syrup injected in and the frenchfries I ordered to go with said milkshakes tasted like they had been fried in grease that was maybe 36 hours past due to be replaced from the ol' fryer.