This will always be my favorite place to eat & eill continue to be but, When I asked about the steak sauces and got a full description at the tail end or beginning I feel the waiter should've used the words, " At an additional cost or for a fee". He said nothing. So when I saw the $5 which is nothing really but I was annoyed. In my profession I am require to tell clients everything I know. The asparigus I chose said "Sauteed". Which means to mean with butter and so it was but also with garlic. Un-smiley face, I was hoping to kiss my date after words not after that little secret they brought to my plate. I forgot how far away the table was I missed my date he was so far away. Ha Ha.....The food was delicious as always and I will be a fan. I just didn't like all of the things I felt I could've been told & was not. Oh, well next time I will be prepared for surprises that's all.