On 10/27/2011, I took my computer in to SoftQue because my computer wouldn't allow me to open anything on the desktop, all I could do was turn on my computer, clearly a virus. I also couldn't uninstall OpenOffice. I gave my box to Chelsie. The next day they called and said they could find no virus and that everything opened up just fine for them. They couldn't explain why I couldn't open anything. I asked them to uninstall OpenOffice, so they did and I was charged $59 for this. I brought it home and tried it. Everything did open up for me, however, my internet was super slow and it wouldn't let me click on certain hyperlinks that open new windows. So I still had a virus. A few days later, my computer just went blank and nothing worked again. This time I took it to Red Sevens, who charges less to fix viruses anyway. The only reason I took it to SoftQue in the first place is because Red Sevens had moved 10 miles further but apparently the longer trip is warranted.