I have been here more than my wallet can afford in the past few months, but then again I guess Tiffany and Co. have a near monopoly when it comes to the market of love, especially new love. I did have a solid experience here with a gentleman by the name of Brian. He was informative, and genuine and probably recognizing that I was a relative neophyte in the Tiffany world, he even provided some much appreciated hand holding, not literal sense I may add. I was whisked in and out in the matter of mere minutes and although my wallet was decidedly a touch on the lighter side, I was able to get to the places I really wanted to be Just kidding. All told my experience at Tiffany was a pleasant, albeit costly one. I will probably be back, by no choice of my own I may add. But if I have to purchase jewellery somewhere Tiffany is as good a place as any,