| - Noisey community:
My roommate and i recently finished a 1yr lease there and toward the end we were unfortunately looking forward to leaving. The management toted that this place is quiet, we both work from home and usually don't mind the noise during the day, it's usually not to bad. Its the loud music, people running up and down the stairs, and coeds throwing up in front of your door from the second story that we're not big on...from 2-4 am. The floors between the apartments are poorly insulated. We could hear every step our neighbors made above us and even the squeaks of the springs in their couch or chair or whatever they sat on in the living room.
The Apartment:
Now i will say that they are in the middle of renovated apartments, they are supposed to have new flooring and appliances. But that's all smoke and mirrors. if you are going to rent an apartment facing west, and work from home or are home a lot during the day, expect your summer AC bill to be anywhere from 200-300 a month we hear the studios are even worse. We were moving out this month and haven't gotten our bill yet; there is no telling what it's going to be. The AC units in the apartments are as old as the Apartments themselves. Which is about 20 years.
The fridge we had (pre reno) was insanely small for two people. we often had to go grocery shopping every couple days. The washer and dryer were full size which is nice, but they were just cheap generic units. The dryer was extremely loud and had to have the door to the laundry room closed while it was running. The dishwasher broke down within a week of us being there and maintence was quickly on it. they fixed it but it broke again.
We found it kind of irritating that management was in a hurry to get us into an outdated apartment with really gross carpet and then announced they would start renovating a week or so after our move in: new flooring, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, fresh paint; Not for us apparently. They informed us that if we wanted to move back out for two weeks and pay 120 more a month they would updat our apartment as well...How about just telling us to hold off on moving in for 2 weeks and redo the lease?
There are two ladies that work there. Kathy and Heidi. Kathy is very friendly and approachable. A request or concern can be noted and she will handle it accordingly and is rather easy to work with. Heidi on the other hand seems kind of stand offish. We would try to go through Kathy whenever possible. Heidi would sometimes become very standoffish if you made a claim or had an issue with something such as parking.
Management is also somewhat lackadaisical about the stray cat population in the complex. There were about 4-5 stray cats, including one that looked like its tail was either ripped off or fell off due to infection. Instead of calling animal control to grab the cats they kept telling everyone they were trying to do something about it and decided to actually give the tailless cat a name: "Nubs".
At the time of the lease signing they mentioned that parking was tight but they didn't go into too much detail, so im going to spell it out now.
Let me start by saying that we rented a two bedroom apartment and got two parking spots. One guaranteed shaded spot and the other had free range to park anywhere that wasn't shaded and had a number. This is rather annoying because even though my roommate and i both had stickers showing our cars belonged there, and payed 35/mo for parking. one of us wasn't always guaranteed a spot. There were times where I would pull in at night and have nowhere to park in the entire complex....
They combat this with a Parking pass system that i feel they just made up this last year. Parking passes are first come first serve. ONE pass per apartment, understandable. If you and your roommate needed passes, only one of you is getting one. This was very frustrating because sometimes you would catch them not playing by their own rules they made up. You would try and go on friday to get a pass for that night but other people had already claimed passes since wednesday... it was just a pain. no pass and you WILL get towed
The area isn't bad and the entire place is gated. However last month i had a homeless man knock on my door around 2am asking for a cigarette. About 2-3 months into our lease there was apparently a break in. I bring this up because The Met DOES NOT have any security guards on the premise. As much money as people spend on these apartments you'd think they would hire a security guard to walk around at night to prevent things like this from happening. I feel like this would also curb the patio parties and the vomiting on people's front doors. They told us at signing that if there are issues with noisy neighbors to either ask them to turn it down to call the police. You shouldnt have to police the complex for them.