| - I don't really understand.
I've been on the hunt for wood for a while, planks, panels, whatever... and everyone I talk to plays this place up like it's the bees knees. Like if Tim-the-Tool-Man-Taylor and Bob Villa of This Old House had a baby, Restore would be it.
It's ok, it's certainly better than digging through a junk yard off the Beltline. But everything is from 1970-something, and although there are suggestions in the store about how to take ancient brass and turn it in to something modern, the place is super dated. You know how to take brass and make it current? Grab a hammer and a glass case, bash the ish out of it and put it on display at MMoCA. Art!
In all seriousness though, I suppose if you're looking for MDF or doorknobs, this place can't be beat. And they do great stuff for the community, so it's hard to knock them too much. It's like kicking a puppy. A puppy that went outta style years ago. So a beagle. #sorrysnoops