| - Goodness gracious great balls of....horrible and horrific customer service! Never have I ever had such a horrible experience and I can't believe a large corporation like Verizon would allow their employees to treat customers with such blatant disrespect.
I went into the store to return the Hum system I bought earlier in the month because it wasn't working properly. I explained how the system wasn't logging my mileage correctly and that was pretty much the only reason I bought it as I'm an Uber driver and it would have been nice to have something track my mileage for taxes. The agent, R.J., asked if I had called customer service to try and troubleshoot it to which I answered no. He then suggested I do that because if I returned it, they were going to charge a $35 restocking fee. WHAT?! I paid $30 for the unit so basically I would have to pay $5 to return it! I asked if there was anything that could be done and he said no and that I could call customer service and see if they would do it. Way to pass the buck. I told him that if they were going to charge a fee then I was going to return my $1,100 iPhone I just bought and switch carriers. The agent showed zero empathy and instead decided to tell me how to make the switch. When I asked for a supervisor, my request was denied stating that there was no one in the store that could waive the fee. Such horrible customer service and talk about blatant disrespect and disregard for me as a customer. I wound up calling Hum customer service and they performed a reset on the device and told me to drive around for 10-15 minutes to activate it.
I went outside, drove around for approximately 15 minutes and again, my miles weren't recorded. I then returned back to the store and spoke with Brandon, a different agent. I explained the situation and told him the device was defective and that I didn't think it was fair to charge a $35 fee for a device that was defective. He said the only thing he could do was exchange the item and if I wanted to return it without a fee I'd have to go to the store I bought it...which is in Seattle. Ok, let me hop on a plane to Seattle just to return an item. That seems like a viable option. I told him that I was going to call customer service while I was there so they'd refund the fee. He said, "Don't waste your time, customer service is going to tell you the same's a company policy yada yada yada." Meanwhile, the previous agent tried to pass the buck to customer service. When I reached customer service, the agent said it was ridiculous they were giving me trouble and credited the $35 fee. My favorite line by Brandon: "Sir, all I'm trying to do is help you..." When I asked how charging a $35 fee was helping me, I got no answer.
While I was on the phone, a different agent decided to go around and close the metal window coverings, slamming them down loudly. How rude!
I am just flabbergasted by the lack of customer service and blatant disregard and appreciation of me as a customer. I will not be returning to this location nor will I ever buy anything other than a phone from Verizon ever again. This took over an hour of my time and it was all totally unnecessary. The unit I purchased was defective and it's ridiculous to charge a restocking fee since the item won't be restocked. We obviously pay a premium to be a Verizon customer...I could get the same plan and same phone from Sprint for almost half of what I pay Verizon...and Verizon shouldn't treat their customers this way. I understand that people probably complain over restocking and upgrade fees all the time (maybe you shouldn't charge them) but Verizon should empower their employees to waive these fees in certain situations and if they can't...they should be able to call on behalf of the customer to have it waived.