I liked when you when you were a medium drive from the east side.
I liked you more when you were a short drive from Ingersoll.
Now that you're a brisk walk from my condo... IMAGINE!
You have it all JMP. Well everything I want. Rentals. Sandy/(dirty) beach. Park. Volleyball. Shady spots but not shady like elicit park behavior shady spots, shady spots like under a tree shady spots. Rolling hills. (It's the flatlands... anything above flat constitutes as a hill in my book.) Sweeping vistas. People that are in better shape than I am, running around chasing balls and jeering at me as if to say, "bet you wish you could take off your shirt old man!"
You don't have grills though.
And I can't (legally) drink in you.
But that's ok.
You're enough.