I made a big mistake by not checking reviews first. The sequence of events went like this:
1) Booked 2 weeks before our moving date
2) Didn't receive any confirmation email but had a verbal and text confirmation.
3) paid them in cash for $84/hour. The total came to $474 for 5 hours of labour, travel and HST.
4) movers were expected to arrive at 11 am. We were told they got into an accident but the real story was the truck wasn't working and they were 2 hours away. They finally arrived at 4 pm
5) the movers were nice and gentle with our furnitures. Also took care of disassembly and assembly. However once they started assembling our bed at our new home, they noticed that they forgot the screws of the bed back at our old place.
We asked them to stop at 9pm and gave them less than what they were asking for in cash at $420 because of the forgetfulness and coming very late!
They also don't provide any plastic wraps and "forgot" to bring boxes as we requested.
We personally had to commute an hour to get our screws and had an unmade bed for a week. Not a great experience. Please don't cheap out on your move, especially if you have quality furnitures and valuable items.