| - This review is not necessarily indicative of the beautifully displayed shop nor its staff but rather the product.
When I purchased this bag I was so excited due to its beauty, elegance and sophistication. To complement it before my first use, I went in search of the matching Michael Kors pumps which took a while to locate since they were out at the MK shop as well as several large department stores. After both were purchased, I wore my purse and shoes with my pearls, pride, and a big smile.
However, the smile soon turned upside down when after 2 uses, the purse began to slouch significantly on the left side and would not stand on its own when set on a table. Rather, it would simply tilt over and fall to the floor.
I immediately contacted Michael Kors' Customer Service, the first time ever as I own many of his purses, belts and shoes, to voice my displeasure with the $400 purse. Immediately after submitting pictures, I was told soft leather sags. I mentioned that this was not a soft leather but rather a hard leather and they finally conceded to have me ship the purse back "at my expense" to have it evaluated which I immediately did.
Because of the high tech complexity of the purse #sarcasm!#, it took a month for customer service to respond. It was only after I actively pursued them for a response that I found out my purse had been returned. I received it with no explanation, no apology, nothing! Just a big box with a slouching black Large Hamilton. I contacted them again only to be told there was "no quality defect." I have since asked for more detail in the evaluation.
Bottom line is I am stunned and disappointed that such a highly regarded Fashion Icon would allow their product to display such failure. I will now not use it as my Power Purse but as a display of what quality is not. My "Made in China" purse does definitely not display the quality of competitors who manufacture their handbags in America or Europe. And FYI, "made in China" = huge margins so you would think they could invest in customer service.
I once had hope but sadly will remain disappointed. #michaelkorsdisappoints #michaelkorsmadeinchina I have since re-evaluated my Brand purchasing decisions.