| - One of the worst experiences of customer service that I have ever experienced. The woman who works here was negative from the start. All I wanted was one button, to go on a shirt I love. I had a button with me. When I first walked in , no greeting not even ân acknowledgement of my existence. I was the only one there. I showed her the button
she said oh you'll never find a match for that' without even glancing in the direction of their button supplies.
I said ´well, why don't I just have a look for myself' I find a box with similar buttons in it....and bring the box down to look through it
She...No, those are all too big. I said you'd never find a match.
I find the identical button.
Me... well, would you look at that, it's identical, and it's only one dollar
I put the box back, and bring the button over to her to pay.
She....I need the box too.
Me...there's no code just the price, one dollar marked.
She... I need to see it for myself.
I fetch the box put it down, she makes the most unbelievable display of comparing the buttons with the ones on the outside of the box, and then says oh, OK I guess it's just a dollar.
Me...Thankyou so much. Must be my lucky day.
She...nothing. Not a Thankyou. Not a ´have a nice day' nothing. Just stood there. She is in the wrong line fo work. Obviously hates her job, and finds customers an inconvenience...
So very rude.
Sad, because it's a great shop.
PS I decided that maybe I was a little harsh, so went in again. It's also at the bottom of my street so very handy, because I do sew a lot.
Same treatment exactly, only when I said I'd like to just browse for myself, and maybe would find something close to what I wanted, her réponse was ' good luck with that!!!!!! What is wrong with some people?