Oh how the mighty have fallen. When I first moved to Charlotte in '04 this was one of my favorite spots to hit. The Wednesday lunch buffet was killer and the weekend breakfast buffet was equally awesome. The girls ranged from night to night, but overall it was a solid showing.
Moving back to Charlotte in '10 we went back to our old stomping grounds for more fun and frivolity. Like an amusement park you used to go to as a kid we were saddened to see our awesome fun park degraded into a washed up shadow of its former self.
It's strange, when the management changed they prettied up the place with a wine cellar and a second floor expansion yet everything else in the place went to shit. The quality of the ladies took a drastic hit. Last night's Saturday roster is what I would expect to see on a Tuesday afternoon. Also, the security was not as sharp as it used to be. One time at the breakfast buffet a fight broke out between two groups of Asians right by the omelette station. Instead of well dressed bouncers swooping down to disperse the crowd the fight just fizzled out on its own with no interaction from security whatsoever.
I used to recommend this place to everyone coming through Charlotte for its fun atmosphere and good food. Now I can barely recommend the food and would honestly steer my friends to other places.