I came by this place on the way home to pick up dinner. Gentleman at the counter was nice enough to help me order. I ordered two plates. He asked if I wanted hummus, eggplant or some kind of spinach thing. I said hummus is fine. He rang me up and I was trying to figure out why it was so high. Come to find out the hummus was not included in it and he upselled me without letting me know. I pointed that out and he said he could refund me if I wanted it. I said no I'll take it. Let me tell you how shady that is. Not cool at all. The correct way and ethical way is to ask if I wanted a side item not make it seem as though it was included in the price. Just for that reason alone might make it a reason for me to never come back here again.....
Will update post when I get home. Currently waiting for food to be made.
Came home and ate the food. Omg it was so good. Steak and chicken was perfectly seasoned and tender. I loved it. Would like to come back but didn't like how the order processed went down