| - I have never had a grown-up hero as i have found in Dr. Garrett!! After a V E R Y long wait for my appointment (and seeing several other doctors in the interim), Dr. Garrett admitted me immediately into hospital for surgery. He explained what had happened to my spine, what he would do to correct it, and was very clear of what WOULD happen, what SHOULD happen, what MAY happen, and also the UNCERTANTIES of the surgery. He is a sincere, compassionate, kind, and straightforward man. I am so impressed (and happy) with his demeanor AND skill.
The only thing I am (still) struggling with, and that sets me on edge, is the front office lady. Initially, she was outright rude, but has slowly softened -- somewhat. She may be protective of her employer, perhaps she does not like her job, or, she may simply be a brash and rude individual.
Regardless, if you can snag an appointment around the lion that guards the front desk, you will be grateful for Dr. Garrett's knowledge, skill, and bedside manner!