I was dazed from traveling and life and attempted to go to this bar. My non-Polish family nick named me the Polish Prince as a child and I used that as a boxing name and street moniker for many years after. I talked to a friendly couple outside who were there for the filming of Restaurant Impossible next door at Del's. I asked if dude was in there bench pressing. I had cup of coffee in hand. Opened door and hit doorman in elbow. He said "Hey you cant bring that in here." I said "It's just coffee." He said "Just drink it up." I said "Even if I'm Polish? He said "I understand you being Polish. Just finish it up." There was way too much coffee in that cup to do so. I said "Don't worry about it" and walked out. They should not be able to fly that proud eagle if you can't allow a fellow Polish brother into your little bar because he was carrying coffee. This changed my belief: I never thought I would meet a Polish person that I didn't really like. I will just eat my Mom's pierogies later this month at Christmas. They will taste better. I just went across the street for Thai food and had a great dinner with people who actually respected me.