I lost two dogs that I've had for over 9 years within 2 weeks of each other last month. Having to put down 1 is bad enough, but 2 really sucks. I had individual cremations done with Compassionate Pet Cremation. For some unknown reason because CPC hasn't bothered apologizing or providing an explanation, my 2nd dog's remains were delivered to St. Rose Animal Urgent Care, who was NOT my vet. And they sat there. For over a week. How the hell does St. Rose let dog remains that don't belong to them sit there for over a week and not contact the Cremation place for clarification? I finally tracked down where my missing dog was and asked St. Rose to call me and explain how they could just let him sit there. The manager, Josh I believe, said someone would call. No call. You can make up your own mind as to whether this is a place you should bring YOUR pet.