I was a guest for a friend going through this program. I did not read any reviews prior to being at one of her "events" as a guest. My first impression was in the lobby. There were purses, backpacks and other personal belongings just left out in cubbies and on tables. Being a security minded person I did not like seeing this. Later it turns out it was the belongings of the people taking the classes. An elderly couple with their grandson attempted to go into the room where we heard clapping and was told by a man in a suit to wait. After several minutes more people arrived (guests of others taking the class). We were then told we could enter. There was soft music playing and the people taking the class were in a large circle around the circumference of the room holding hands and had their eyes closed. We were motioned to go stand in front of them quietly. After a while they were told something (can't remember exactly what) and they opened their eyes and we had a hug fest. She introduced me to her "buddies" and others. One of the other people taking these classes mentioned how he appreciated [my friend] coming to his rescue when 'the others were calling him a piece of shit'. Huh?! Keep reading (I research this company online after attending this event). This was my first time and experience with this company. So far my friends thinks it's wonderful. After leaving the center we (my friend, invited guests and some of the people she made friends with in her group) met at another location for dinner. Throughout the night my friend kept pressuring me to join this program. Several times she would say that I'm going to be in the next group. Being friends and in a group setting I didn't let her know how annoying it was she kept pressuring me. I don't take well to "used car salesman" tactics. The cost is approximately $2500. There is no way I'm going to pay that much for something like this. After that event I then researched online about this company. There are many positive reviews but a considerable amount of negative as well. Enough to make me 'raise an eyebrow'. I will stick with my licensed, well educated counselor thank you very much. I hope my friend stops with the pressure sales tactics, because if she doesn't I'm going to let her know how I feel about that. I hope this experience is a positive one for my friend, but I'm going to keep an eye open for any signs of questionable activity. At this time I'm giving them two stars as -so far- my friend likes her experience. We shall see if my rating changes as her classes continue.
My friend has gone through the first two 'phases' of this program. She whole-heartedly believes it was worth the cost for this part of the program. However, after the first weekend of 'leadership' she decided to quit. The first weekend of leadership she was sent outside of the building to make phone calls and attempt to recruit family & friends; during that time being monitored by the 'instructors' and her 'buddy'. She called me and after about fifteen minutes of trying to 'sell' the program to me, I firmly told her I would not join and to stop asking me. By the next day, she called me and told me that she had moral issues with trying to have people sign up for a program she herself has not completely finished as well as the the 'pressure' tactics being used on her to sell this program. I've seen positive changes in her and it hasn't seemed to have 'brainwashed' her. I think she has in fact made positive strides in mending and building relationships, and she has more self-confidence. Time will tell how much of an influence this program has had on her. Both her and I are very disappointed with the tactics used by her 'leadership instructor' trying to get members to sell their program. If they would wait until the very end of the 'leadership' program before having members attempt to recruit others, I think it might have been a better ending to her experience. My rating stays at two stars from my perspective (as a friend of a friend who has taken the first two parts of the program). I would give one star to her instructor for the shady pressure tactics used to push my friend to sign up people (namely me) before the end of the first weekend of her 'leadership' program.