| - I have seen Dr. Garber (several years apart) for two different, painful issues with my spine. The first time he rushed in and within minutes rushed out and continued my mini appt. out in the hallway from the patient rooms, because I had more questions and then we actually looked at my x-rays out in the hallway too! Then I was taken to another office by his assistant and when I complained about the abruptness, she said he had an 'emergency' he had to attend to. I never went back. Then years later when I was referred to him again because he was one of the few neurologists in my network, I decided to give it another try. THE SAME THING HAPPENED AGAIN! I even brought my sister with me to the appt. so she could verify what I hoped wouldn't happen and if I was imagining things. He talked for a couple of minutes and then said, "Ok, follow me." I assumed we were going to go to another office for more complex testing of my spine, other than him asking me to raise my big toe while he pushed on it. But NO! We all stood in the hallway while other patients walked by and he tried to end the appt quickly. I even heard one of the other patients say to an assistant as they were being hopelessly escorted towards the door, "well I still have more questions." It's not like I didn't have a serious problem with my spine. I have 6 bulging disks, 'severe' displacement between two, disk space narrowing throughout. This guy probably overbooks patients intentionally on a daily basis. I do not understand how this guy could have received the three 5 star reviews, albeit he only has a total of 4.