| - I told my roommate I wouldn't do this but I couldn't resist. This is the best bang for your buck you'll ever get for a motel, period! When R. Kelly wrote the song, "girl, you wanna come to my motel, well I can give you my room keys", he must have been talking about America's best value (ABV)!
Mission: to have a weekend in Vegas for less than $300.00.
May 20th, 2011
After weeks of planning, The DnD 7 arrived at America's Best Value. With little hope of it being more than a dingy room with roaches, bed bugs, meth users and the occasional Hell's Angel, the Down n Dirty 7 go to their respective rooms. To date, none of the above things were found. Our rooms were clean, there was water in the swimming area (well, at least the bigger pool) and a courteous clerk.
We had two fears related to staying at America's Best Value.
1. What do we tell girls when they ask us where we're staying and
2. How do we get a girl back to our rooms without her noticing we're staying at ABV!?
The first question was an easy fix. We "exotified" the name a little bit. We changed it from ABV to "The Americana." Since we left "America" in the title, we felt like we weren't lying. The second question was answered by U.H. He brought Germany back without any problems, sealed the deal with a threesome with her and the AC!
The nitpicking: we requested four non-smoking room. However, DnDB and C.A. ended up with a smoking room. Luckily, Raw Dawg, doesn't mind smoke (amongst other things that aren't safe) so we were able to amicably decide to trade DnDB & C.A's room with Raw Dawgs.
The 'hawk and I stayed in a room without a working AC. We asked the receptionist at the front desk if they could move us but he said he couldn't because they were sold out. It wasn't bad but if it was August, CSI Vegas would have found two slimy corpses in our room!
Mission Status: Accomplished!
For two nights at ABV, we spent less than $80 total/room! The total trip to Vegas cost less than $250/person. To be fair to the hotel, I'm not going to write the actual price we paid but it was very economical! We went to the downtown area for some cheap buffets. Some had 2 for 1 deals with a players card. Needless to say, we ended up with wallets full of players cards. We even had bottle service at Rok for less than $75/person.