| - Fifteen dollar haircut? Yes!
Now, you have to understand, this is a student-run salon. Every cut, color, and at times brushstroke is overseen by a teacher, and in this, the hair process is a long one at that. I've had students who have been god-awful, and just given up on cutting my freakishly long hair. But my first visit always gives me hope that the next time will be just as good.
First of all, the shampooing room is perhaps my favorite part other than the aftermath of cutting and styling. As calm music plays on in the background, you close your eyes to shampoo and a complimentary head massage. Then the process begins - every cut is monitored as to teach the students the basics of working in a salon. Yes, it's tedious. But then again, it's cheap. Never have I ever encountered a completely terrible haircut.
The Paul Mitchell School is especially great at cutting-edge haircuts or colors, so if you're looking to take a risk with your hair, go for the novel, embrace the edgy, go here. Also, they sell the Paul Mitchell products here - the Awapuhi collection before it hit retail stores (my favorite, completely orgasmic). If you can wait through a two-hour process of cutting, styling, and consultation, then Paul Mitchell is for you. If the fifteen dollar cost is not worth the wait, go elsewhere.