The lovely people at Ganley Hyundai did not like the message of an orderly, peaceful demonstration held on the public right-of-way. Someone decided it was time to go to the edge of the lot with a power washer and start "washing" the same four cars over and over and over again. This was obviously not to clean the cars but to try and use the stream of water to drive off the activists, who had nothing at all to do with Ganley other than sidewalk proximity. NBC News affiliate WKYC Channel 3 - Cleveland caught this behavior on tape and included it in their coverage of the protest.
At one point my colleague stood silently, watching the man with the sprayer while holding his protest sign, and the washer jerk looked right at him and said, "You want some?" aimed the washer wand right at my colleague's face, not even pretending to aim for a car. The legal advice we've received is that this actually constitutes battery.
Washer Jerk also sent water in the direction of a pregnant woman and small children.
Nice dealership, eh? Avoid out of principle. Take your money somewhere they don't try to assault and batter men, women, and children and suppress free exercise of speech.