I'm new to the city and figured I would try out some of the local flavor. I heard from a former U of T student about Papa CEOs and Cora's - side by side. She told me which one was better and I honestly can't remember which one! I decided to try this place first because honestly they had seating. I was a little surprised to see pizza places so quiet overall on Saturday evening, but I'm new here so in probably missing the boat on something.
I'm from NJ originally - just outside NYC and I know what NY style pizza is supposed to be like. This is not it. Sorry. Cheese was a thick slab on top of a very chewy thick crust (for NY style standards). That said, the meat slice was perfectly passable as something to eat and would probably make a great late night snack with a few beers already down the hatch. The price was good too -$5 for one (big) slice and a Coke. If I'm right here and hungry I'll give it a go again, but I don't expect that I'll seek it out specifically.