There is more than one location of this clinic and I went to the one in Sun City.
I was scheduled for a new patient, full skin check, for which I waited a couple of months. I was a few minutes early and out the door in 20 minutes including check in and followup appt. scheduled. An assistant came in and asked me what I was there for. I told her the issues for which I was referred, and I was giving her some additional info, just a few words of explanation for the issues I wanted addressed for which I was interrupted. It was obvious that she just had a checklist of some sort. Handed me a paper gown and out the door. In comes the doctor. The gown was slightly moved aside to look at my skin but my "full skin check" did not occur. The lesions that were of concern to my GP were of no concern to this guy. He used a little flashlight but no dermoscopy was done. I don't think the list that the assistant collected from me was looked at by the doctor as he didn't address all the things on it of which there were 4, and one didn't even get the flashlight look. That was just for file and/or billing purposes. As an aside, when I came in there was one other person in the waiting room and when I left there were two. There were two assistants out sitting at their desk area in the middle when I left - so not exactly swamped. I understand that he has seen much skin and many lesions but this was very cursory. The only treatment offered for my areas of concerns was described as "well we could cut them out and then sew the skin back together but you would have a scar." I am happy to not have anything "cut out" but I am also not reassured that my issues or my GP's concerns were addressed or that there is nothing else short of "cutting them out" that can be done for these lesions. No report has been sent, however, to my GP after more than a month.