| - I was fortunate enough to spend my NYE with the extremely talented and greatest eye candy of all, John Legend. I found out he was playing at The Pearl for NYE, I informed my girlfriends and we were all in for a NYE with John Legend!!!
We decided to go all out and got 5th row middle seats...I'm pretty much broke now, but it sounded like a good idea at the time. And looking back at how much fun I had, it was worth every penny to see John Legend up close and personal!
The venue itself, fantastic! Located inside The Palms Hotel....smaller more intimate setting, and from looking around a really great view from wherever you sit. The bars outside had limited selection of liquor and beer, but the bartenders are super nice and will try to mix you up something yummy with what they have.
The acoustics were great, Johnny sounded fantastic, and I sang duets with him throughout the evening....Love that man.
As we walked out of the venue, there were people passing out hats, crowns, beads and noisemakers for NYE, we had just enough time to get to the bar to grab some drinks and have a view from our suite of the fireworks on strip. NYE + John Legend + Fireworks = HAPPINESS!!