Yesterday Or maybe the day before Gus won a gift card for five dollars off at Pugzies. Neither he or I had ever been.
I love the building in which it sits. It reminded me of a restaurant my uncle had built in the fifties, walls of windows with trees in the middle. His was more of an elegant super club with the space age chandeliers. So this in it self brought good feelings.
I felt the price we paid was a bit high for what we got. Out total was about 22 bucks for the special half sand and cup of soup. A pastrami sand and two sodas. Gus' sand was the chicken salad and he liked the mix of ingredients. The soup was mushroom, but had a very tomato undertone to it. My pastrami was fine for the most part. It came on a swirl rye bread. I am not a fan of the swirl as it is too soft in texture for me. I prefer an Russian or Jewish rye. But there really was nothing wrong with the food..
I am not sure I would go back though. We will see.