I too had all the trust in the world in Dr. Di Nucci but he did a over correction on my bunion surgery leaving me in a worse situation a condition called Hallux Varus cutting off too much of the bunion causing the big toe joint to inward . I have been to 3 other doctors the x-rays show it very clearly as does my foot it looks like I'm missing a toe. It is painful and both the pain and the spread of the toe are getting worse as the other 3 doctors said it would ... I picked one of the 3 and am having a surgery to correct it (hopefully) another 5-6 weeks in a boot. With Dr. D's experience I thought I was in good hands, not so.... he has really messed up my foot. Also this is no doubt caused by his surgery....confirmed by the other doctors (read about the condition on the web)
He must be a legend in his own mind and that of Phoenix magazine. I have heard that doctors pay to put their name in pool to be voted on by other doctors for the top doc spots......threw my copy away.