| - I previously gave West End a 5-star Review. Unfortunately, after my last visit I doubt I'll return any time soon. Almost everything that earned it 5-stars before was still present. Unfortunately, the service experience left my friends and I absolutely furious. We arrived while the place was pretty busy on a Friday. No problem, that's what we hope for. My one friend, decided he wanted to pick some music, so he pops $20 in the jukebox (he wanted to pick a lot of music--the mood struck). Realizing we wouldn't be here for more than an hour or 2, he opted to play next with his selections.
That's where things got annoying. A couple people had played songs ahead of ours, and those songs played. Once our songs came on, unfortunately, the bartender gave the remote to one of her friends who happened to be at the bar. This guy proceeds to skip very single one of our songs before it ended. When I confronted the bartender her excuse was "Any time someone hits "play next" it ends the current song". Clearly, we knew this wasn't the case considering the songs it was skipping to were just more of our songs. If it was 1 or 2 songs, that's one thing. But, we didn't get to hear any of the songs we paid money for. The bar essentially stole $20 from us and either the bartender lied to us or just had no idea what she was talking about. My guess is it's the former--I think she's far bitchier than she is stupid. Most likely, it's a combination of both.
People play music I don't enjoy all the time. It's the nature of the beast. Unfortunately, when a business takes $20 from you and blatantly goes out of their way to avoid providing the service--well that's something I take issue with. I've reached out to the good people of touchtunes and hope to have some explanation as to how this is allowed.