-Continuation- Also, this country is tolerant of all religions. Because of this tolerance, companies cannot force people to do anything that is against their beliefs. Brian did not do anything against the law nor against Walgreen's policy and followed his religion, whatever that religion may be. People should put themselves in his shoes and understand that he followed procedure and Nicole was able to receive her medication. I feel for Nicole and her family over a ver difficult, unfortunate situation, but I also feel for Brian and his family. I can only imagine what he and his family are going through now over one incident that seems to have been blown way out of proportion. Walgreen's, I'm sure, will be abiding by the same law concerning unlawful termination as all of the companies that these uneducated, ignorant people who made these emotional comments work for abide. We are lucky to live in a country where our court judges do not make decisions based on emotions, but look at all the laws and facts concerning both sides of a situation.