| - I've been seeing Keri at Estetica for two years, now. I'm 36 and decided to start photo facial treatments as part of my anti-aging plan based on Keri's recommendation. I do three per year. I've done a total of 6. The process of receiving a photofacial is not pleasant - no matter what, it's a laser zapping your face. The week after is not nice, either. All the pigment rises to the surface and it itches. The result is amazing and worth every bit of discomfort. Smooth, light, and young skin. Keri's facials and peels are relaxing, effective, and educational.
A little education from my friend Keri: Ladies - did you know that sunscreen is reabsorbed into your skin after two hours and becomes ineffective? So, when you are at the beach in the summer, remember - reapply, reapply, reapply! Otherwise, those dark spots will return. :)