Well finally Borders luck has run out. This location and 7 others in the valley are closing. Right now they are having a 20-40% sale on everything in the store....but let me advise you to wait because I am pretty sure a lot of what you want will be there in the coming weeks when they reduce the prices even more. Now with that being said let me give you this word of advice also just in case you didn't know.....I have been to tons of these "Going out of Business" sales....in fact I look forward to them. However all these store are guilty of marking up the prices and then giving you half off...when the item was worth only the half off price anyway.
Example you see that book that you want that for weeks, months....maybe a year would cost you 30 bucks....so naturally you figure if you get 20% off the book you would save yourself 7 bucks or so right. Well that is normally true but now all of sudden that book is 40 bucks and 20% off then sends it right back to the 30 dollar price you have been seeing it for all along.....and in fact with tax it will be a lot more than that. So just be careful and watch for that people but continue to Eat, Drink,and be Merry my Friends!!!