This was my first time experiencing acupuncture and I must say it was overall one of the best experiences yet! I was greeted by the receptionist with a warm smile who walked me through the signing in process. The initial paperwork was short and brief and followed up with a simple 5 minute introduction video to give me a view of what to expect. Once that was over I was able to select an herbal tea which would be prepared and ready for me after my acupuncture session was complete. After sliding back the huge wooden door, I entered into "paradise" where the music was soothing, the massage chairs were relaxing and the zen of it all was serene. Mariam was my acupuncture therapist and she started off explaining the cosmetic session vs traditional. While traditional focused primarily on the body, cosmetic was for fine lines and wrinkles. So of course me being the spontaneous person I am, I opted to go with the cosmetic. The needles were quick and easy and honestly only on certain spots (which she made me aware of) did I really feel any pinch I was reclined in a peaceful sleep to allow the needles to do their work. After what seemed like an eternity of bliss, I was brought back to earth by a soft voice letting me know my session was over. As promised, my tea was ready for me and I started my day not feeling the same as I came in.