There are some higher-priced restaurants that excel in excellent food. There are other restaurants where after a certain point you're just paying for the service. Typhoon serves up decent food but is mainly a restaurant where decor and ambiance is king.
We started mussels off the appetizers menu to split. I ordered a duck breast dish for my main entree. The mussels were pretty good. They got me excited for my duck breast. I found my entree to be a bit on the overly sauced side and excessively salty. It came with sliced duck breast, peppers, onions, mushrooms, cooked in a basil sauce. The sauce covered up the taste of the duck, which definitely ruined the dish for me. I don't typically eat too much rice when I'm eating Asian foods, but I ended up eating most of the rice that came with it.
I find Typhoon to be slightly better than Soba when it comes to actual food. I haven't had a chance to try Soba or Typhoon's drinks or desserts yet, so my reviews might change down the road.
Until then, 3.5 stars.