I am entertaining the idea of purchasing a 25000BTU Air Con that requires 230V outlet.
Now I have what everyone has a 110V outlet, in order to run this beast of an A/C I really need to have one 230V
Parked on my street I see a Electrika Pickup truck, which is how I came to know of this company. He lives on my street. I thought how convenient - and I know he will
just tell me to give the office a call and go thru the proper chain of command for insurance reasons I suppose.
So I will not even bother asking him.
I called the office and spoke to a very charming woman which spoke with a tone of experience and knew her stuff.
Told her I have seen a company pickup truck which is always parked on my street after-hours and seen the employee enter his house, just a few doors away from mine.
Is how I came to know Electrika's phone number.
I asked how much would it cost to have a 230V outlet installed at my place?
This charming woman replied:
To have an employee come to my house will cost 69.00$ JUST to have a look at the work to be done. I told her the guy lives just a few house down the street from me.
Ahhh... He is a manager and doesn't do service calls.
69.00$ just to have a guy come in my place for like 3 mins, where is he coming from? OTTAWA...no from Lachine....Naw there must be a better way I said...
well.....here at Electrika this is how we do things......and......
I stopped here there,
Awesome company and I have had spoken to this neighbor / Manager a few times, Super nice guy too... A real gentleman and family man too.
If ever company charges a service call fee... then I am guessing to have a 230V Outlet installed in my home, I will save like 2 or 300.00$ and just by a 15000BTU A/C