Went for happy hour (because BACON) last Friday before the Tribe game. Walked up around 4:50--the front door was propped open, so we went inside.
The handful of employees at the host station didn't stop their conversation to say anything to us, so we just made our way to the bar area.
After a few minutes of more employees walking by us and completely failing to acknowledge our existence, I called over to the host station and asked if it was okay that we were sitting there. One responded that they opened at 5 and would be having an employee shift meeting first.
...it was 458 at that point, and this shift meeting had not yet begun. Several employees were grabbing food before their shift and eating it in the dining area.
At 5:00, the manager (?) walked over and began speaking with them--I assume for the shift meeting.
At 5:05, we left, having never been acknowledged by a single one of the 10-15 employees in the restaurant who walked by us multiple times.
I understand we got there early (we assumed that door propped open = open for business), I understand giving your employees some food before the start of a long Friday night, and I understand the idea of a shift meeting. I don't understand why someone would decide to start that meeting AT 5:00 if the restaurant is supposed to OPEN at 5:00.
I was so let down by what I felt to be incomparably bad service that I can't rate this experience any higher than 1 star. We walked to Lolita instead and had a stellar experience.