Come one, come all. Bring Mom and Pop, the kids and the dog. Oh, forget the dog they don't allow pets. Good news! This has become a GUN FREE ZONE. So this makes it really, really safe for everyone, because everyone knows that there will be no guns there. Concealed carry permit holders will not go there and criminals would not dare bring a weapon there! So feel great and attend. I feel bad for the farmers. I used to go there 2 or 3 times a week to get great produce. Now I can't go. You see I have a Concealed Carry Permit. Some body has decided that the Market should be a "Gun Free Zone"! This makes the market a unsafe place to go to or subject my family to. One common thread to all the recent attacks across our nation, is that they occur in "Gun Free Zones". Sad that the Farmer's Market has gone political!