Holy rebrand, Kelsman!
Kelsey's looks more like some colourful, cheeky King West/Liberty Village pub than a Kelsey's, or any chain restaurant for that matter. Silly words in big lights against bright walls. You know the look.
I had a bloody caesar which came with a spicy bean, the Bacon Bacon cobb salad, which was really more chicken chicken than bacon bacon, and their buffalo wontons with queso dip. The queso dip was my favourite part, because it's melted cheese. Duh.
If you are in Etobicoke, and need to grab lunch and are in one of the chain-riddled parking lots, Kelsey's is an A-OK choice.
PEPPER PROPS to Jess P. She's a great driver, and she was at the wheel on this Etobicoo-coo adventure.