With the added bonus of a Bagel Stop within its hallowed walls this is not your typical Starbucks. (OK, yes it is. (Actually, it might be worse.))
On the cusp of university campus, it's always swarming with undergrads camping out at tables with their photocopied notes and UGG boots and iced creams and false dreams of a prosperous future in anthropology. As I see them chuckle over their iPads and gloss enthusiastically about Debbie Gibson (or whoever, how should I know?) I can only conclude that we need another Vietnam to thin out their ranks. Amiright?
Anyway, you'll probably never find a seat here except by sheer dumb luck. The back corner is usually packed like a Mumbai slum. They serve coffee here. Meh. Meh. Meh. All the way down.
Confidential to man who saved a seat with a shopping bag: I hope you get SIDS. You heard me.
Obligatory Title Pun: BUCKING the trend.
Menu Readability: You kidding me brah? You gotta be kidding me.
Need to mention: There's a Bagel Stop in here! Stop! Have a Bagel!
What this place teaches me about myself: I *hate* when people save seats with their belongings. You can't saving a parking spot with a hankerchief, nor a table with a parcel. SIDS upon thee.