Let me start by saying this is my grocery store I use and have used for the past 10 years. I know where everything is, staff is generally nice and helpful.
However I've had a couple problems with stupid rules that seem to only apply to me, maybe it's being heavily tattooed idk.
There was a problem for a long time (until I was able to get an AZ ID) where I couldn't purchase cigarettes or alcohol because I had just moved back to Arizona and had an out of state ID. If the damn airport security is going to let me on a plane with that ID I dont understand the stick in frys ass about it.
Next, today, I was told I had to walk to the bank across the lot at 5 months pregnant and walk back with a large amount of cash. My mother is disabled and I run errands for her weekly using her debit card and PIN. I've used her card for the 10 years I've been shopping at this location, but since they were having yet another issue with the chip reader the cashier helped me with the card, and took the time to examine the picture then realizing it wasn't me, went to customer service having another gentlemen telling me I can't use it to purchase the over $200 cart of groceries already bagged and ready to go.
So Frys...you better start checking everyones card and IDs even when they have a PIN to make sure they match if you're going to send a pregnant woman to the bank using the same card and PIN she would've used at your store. God forbid I have my boyfriends card and PIN trying to get groceries for out own family.
Time to take my business to Safeway.