| - We bought four trees from Star. Instantly, all became sick. We called, and for $60 a tree doctor would come out and look at them. Um, no. We went in, and we were told that the first person we bought the trees from was wrong, and we had not used the right kind of mulch. Great. There's $80 wasted. We got the right stuff, and one tree instantly dried up and died, but the three came back. This tree's carcass was just returned to them. Now, even though we were told to just bring it back with our receipt, we had damage done to our home and the receipt was destroyed. I had my bank statement in hand and had already spoken to the manager. I was told "Well, this has to go through corporate so we may know in a few days'--I had already called about this 3 days ago. I argued and argued, and finally got a store credit (he said he couldn't find my purchase but come to find out, he was trying to refund me too much for too big a tree), but he said he may lose his job over it. I'm not sure how doing the right thing makes you lose your job??? That says a lot if a company is going to fire a manager for standing behind their warranty.
In the meantime, the three surviving trees started to die. We looked it up and spoke to another nursery, who stated that Star had told us a totally wrong watering schedule, along with the wrong sort of fertilizer a SECOND time, and to try changing our watering around. Voila.
Inconsistent information and us having to constantly nag and follow up to place orders for more the words of Sweet Brown, "ain't nobody got time for dat."