| - Oh where to start. I went there Easter Sunday, a young male waiter FINALLY came to my table to which I ordered a diet coke. He FINALLY comes back, but with a regular coke so went back and got me a diet one-no straw. When he came back to the table(and NO it was not busy at all) I ordered " I would like a cup of broccoli soup to start, and then I'd like the sirloin steak, medium rare with my side dish being the green beans "Well he is attempting to write it on his pad of paper and asks me again what I wanted to which I repeated it, and also asked for a straw. 10 minutes later I get my straw-and 10 minutes after that IT arrives. On the plate was a cup of soup that was slopped all over the sides and on the plate, a steak and toast soaked in the soup) To which I asked "where are my potatoes/gravy and green beans?" He answers oh sorry ma'am we are out of green beans, uhm would you like something else? And you just found out now when bringing me my plate? I will take broccoli then. OK ma'am I'll find out about the potatoes. I have no steak knife, no crackers for my soup, never did receive steak sauce. So I went to the front till and told the 2 people that were just standing around there, that my waiter is awful and could I please get a steak knife, and crackers! When all was said and done, I had a small plate of potatoes with gravy, a cup with broccoli, a cup of soup, and a plate with a steak and toast on it. Nothing like over working the dish washer!! I was never approached as to how my steak was (which was raw) or if I wanted anymore pop. At the till the manager or whoever he was, said he'd take a couple dollars off!! Like seriously??!! I said don't bother taking anything off and be rest assured I WON'T be back. The worst experience I have ever had in America. Usually the customer service in the USA is impeccable, but not this time.