So I grew up as you can say cutting my pizza teeth on Vincent's in Forest Hills. Being so fortunate was both a blessing and a curse as no pizza can live up to the lofty standards set by the Vinnie Pie Master and Creator himself.
As I grew older I learned to quite frankly not like pizza because none of it ever was as good as a Vinnie Pie. As I moved through life and my 20s and now into my 30s I have gotten to a point where I can tolerate most pizza and even kind of like Chicago staples like Geno's East but still none can hold a pie cutter to Vincent's.
As the issues at Vincent's came about and closure it was a sad day in my life and I can say many other Vincent Pizza Park fans. Then magically Shelly Pie signs appeared at the old VFW in Turtle Creek and after opening we decided to try it ... HOLY SMOKES did they knock it out of the park here.
Its like they took took a Vinnie Pie, fine tuned the process, and came out with WHAM the best pizza ever! Crisper crust, high quality ingredients, clean experience and you have the finest pizza in the land. Even after Vincent's has reopened I find myself dialing the Shelly Pie number instead.
While my heart will always belong to Vincent's, Shelly Pie has my taste buds.