| - Desert Botanical Garden exceeded my expectations and any pre-existing thought about the desert and it's plants. Plus, I have never seen that much cacti in my entire life!
Saw a small brochure about this place at my hotel and spur of the moment decided to make a drive out here with my mom first thing in the morning (please go in the morning, the heat is bearable). Tickets were decently priced and I got the student price, which was great!
The garden covers cacti, shrubbery and flowers native to Arizona, Mexico and California as well as Chihuly in the Garden. From a reserved spots that butterflys and bees gravitate to, to life of Tohono O'odham in the Sonoran desert this garden is quite informational.
Each section of the garden was creatively set up, easy to learn from and paths big enough for people to walk through with little crowding. You get to witness various wildlife, from birds, rodents and lizards and is flat out a great experience. You automatically feel transported into a different world, so major props to the Desert Botanical Gardens and all who contribute to provide a place to showcase it all.
There is a restaurant, vending machines, Chihuly exhibit and gift shop you can visit after your walk around. Take advantage of shaded areas, wear comfortable shoes, put on your shades, take frequent breaks and drink lots of water!