| - This is a satellite campus. The main campus is in Henderson. Their worship team is extremely talented. They have a full-on band, lighting, and a huge screen with lyrics. They don't downplay just bc they're satellite. They meet at a Lutheran high school-beautiful facility. Even where services are held, it's like a plush movie theater. They have youth group which was important to me. Service times are reasonable. Only reason I'm deducting 1 star is because I'm not a fan of watching the sermon from a screen, bc i might as well stay home and watch from there. I know it's a new trend due to technological advances, but I prefer a live speaker. Occassionally there is a live speaker. Also, as a student of the Word sometimes i think some of the messages may cater to emotions (nothing wrong with hearing that you'll be ok in the face of adversity when you trust God), but when the context of a passage is glossed over or mentioned briefly, it kinda worries me. Like, a passage that talks about Paul being struck down but not destroyed. It was briefly mentioned he was persecuted for his faith- only briefly when Persecution was a huge deal then and is NOW. Just this morning 3 buses in Egypt taking Christians (mostly kids) to a "church camp" was attacked and at least 28 Christians were killed. ISIS has publicly announced their plan to wipe out Christianity. Persecution has increased in the last 5 years to the brink of Genocide, and yet many Western churches skim over it when we could be talking about it and acting on how we can help provide comfort, assistance, food, aide. But i do recommend this church. My husband likes it and so do the kids. I'm sending them to camp but ouch, $700+ for 2 kids to go to camp. But, i believe investing in their spiritual well-being.