| - Decor= 4 stars
Outdoor/Patio Al Fresco dining/seating = 5 stars for the
Image = 4 stars
Food = IDK, yet
Staff = indifferent and on their cell phones or talking to get to know each other. Believe it or not.... I'm okay with that until a point.
Susan seems more "Hey! I'm the hot girl because I'm thin and carry an air that says I'm behaving like I think folks in Miami or NYC do" and because of that .... I could like her but I got the sense she didn't understand; nor cared to know the kind of party girl I am/could be and bring to the "club." In summary, she comes off as cold & more like Devil Wears Prada assistant types. Mean Girl club or just cold. IDK, I could kick it with her though because I'd love to see how she gets down (or not).
I thought this would be like a true blue dessert style restaurant. Nope, this is a club that happens to be open early to serve a few bites then club all night.
The location is great.
The hotel across the way adds to the value. hint, hint, wink wink But for real... even for travelers it's nice to get out and experience a bit of something different than hotel tv and overpriced hotel food.
I got the sense that they want to convey... Pretty, slim and tall girls to sell that "dream" and to have bottle girls (which is par for the course). But to bring over desserts and martinis that were crafted to compliment the food menu...any cute guy or girl can make this happen. ~Nope.
So trust me, wonder in before 10pm and you'll see what I mean.
They are currently not advertising but will be at the start of June.
So with a continued soft opening the goal is to train or see what strengths people have, idk? insert another shoulder shrug.
What I do know: Susan didn't seem keen on me. I'll post more pictures to include the menu after going for my birthday. Full Disclosure: I'm not a desserts person. Yeah, I know - how weird for my size? Welp, I love the starches not the direct sugars. *BAM*
Expect - Coat check girls.
Expect - Bottle Service girls
Expect - Everyone to wear all black
Expect - the kitchen to close at 10p
Expect - Purple everywhere. skrr skrrr. (a la Uber everywhere)
Yo, Big Girls get LOVE too.
I guess I should have showed up with heels and a weave. Again, shoulder shrug.
All in all, I'd encourage everyone to go out and give it a whirl. I suspect it should be a hit after concerts, games, and other UPT events.
Total = 3 stars as the average was impacted by staff. Read my other reviews as service can make all the difference in the world.