Like several clubs in Vegas, this is a nightclub and a dayclub, and just like most of them, they are vastly different, but most of my review is for ghostbar dayclub or GBDC as it's known.
I'll get the boring stuff out of the way, as a nightclub it's your pretty standard hangout and drink $15 dollar drinks and whatnot. It has a nice view of Vegas, but I hardly ever come her because there's nothing that stands out about it.
Where ghostbar really shines is as a dayclub. GBDC was the original winter dayclub and one of my favorites. It goes from noon to 6 all winter( October to February) it's the most laid back and entertaining party there is. You can drink and dance and dress whatever you want. It's the kind of party where I dance in my batman onesie with someone in a minion suit. There's unicorns and fairies and whatever you can think of. It's relaxed. It feels kind of like a house party but better. They have bedazzled beer bongs, people in unicorn masks, conga lines. It's really one of the most fun parties that I have ever been to and it's every Saturday. I really wish they would have it year round because there's nothin like it and it really screams "VEGAS" if you're visiting while it's open I promise you will have one of the most unique and memorable experiences ever. #aintnopartylikeGBDC
I'm giving it for stars because ghostbar is like a 2 star club but GBDC is like a 10 star club