This hospital system has seriously gone down hill since I had my daughter there at Lake West in 2003.
They almost killed me. They refused to do an X-ray of my chest last year when I was complaining of my lungs hurting every time I breathed. They told me that I did not have a medical degree so I should not tell them how to do their jobs.
Instead the did a lumbar puncture saying I had meningitis. And when the E.R. Doctor tried to do the LP blindly he messed up my back. He said its my fault because I was morbidly obese. (Nice bedside manner)
They ended up admitting me into the hospital. When they did the LP with in the radiology department guess what no meningitis.
Four days later I am having 104 plus temperature with seizures due to my high temperatures I finally demand an X-ray and low and behold I have pneumonia in both lungs.
No apologies no I am sorry. Nothing.
Instead a hospitality doctor told me that I must have HIV to have gotten pneumonia at age 35.
What the heck. He said he refused to release me unless I consented to an HIV test. Guess what that was negative.
I have been waiting over a year for someone higher up to get back to me. Looks like I am going to have to get an attorney to sue them since no one wants to talk to me.